Wednesday 25 March 2015

Why Smart Bloggers Should Focus On Email Marketing – Examples

If there is one advice I would give to my younger self as a blogger, that will be the focus on email-marketing. Build targeted email-list, and don’t miss out an opportunity of getting your readers on your email list.
Whenever I meet budding bloggers, I often find them asking questions like:
How do I get traffic to my blog?
How do I make money from my blog?
And many more similar newbie questions, but by the end, they all want traffic, and money. If you also feel the same, it’s your time to understand the power of email-marketing.
I’m writing this post after 2274 days of blogging, and I started email-marketing at later stage of my blogging career. This is one of the biggest regrets that I have, as now I realize the actual importance of an E-mail list. For years, I used Feedburner to let my readers subscribe to blog updates, which now seems like a mistake. Having a professional tool helps in many ways. Such as:
  • You control when to send email newsletter.
  • You can set follow-up email, and new subscribers will receive email automatically.
  • You can personalize email using name of the receiver. Personalization is most powerful aspect of email-marketing.
  • You can export your email list, and use it for retargeting.
Before I get into in-depth of this topic, let me share some of the benefits of email-marketing for a blog.
  • You can reach out to your subscriber any time. Everybody checks email, and that’s the power of having your readers on the list.
  • You own the readers and don’t mistake me for the word “Own”. I’m saying in the context of reaching out to them. I have over 1 million followers collectively on my G+ profile and ShoutMeLoud Google Plus page. I have over 62K followers on ShoutMeLoud Facebook page. Sad part is; I can’t control who is going to see my  updates. There are times when I want specific posts to reach out to all loyal readers, and I couldn’t do it with social media marketing. With email marketing tool, I directly reach out to them.
  • The traffic which I get from Email blast is quite high, and posts are being seen by highly targeted people. Here is the stats from my email marketing software (I use Aweber), and I have over 5K+ highly targeted users on my email list.. email reach
  • If you do the calculation, my every email sent was being opened by 1200+ people (25%), and CTR on links varies.  Since I’m getting hang of email marketing, I could totally see the high potential over here.
  • You can also get people on the waiting list before launching anything new. Having a landing page before the launch could be acquiring readers, customers before the launch. So far, 618 people are subscribed to ShoutUniversity newsletter, and once it’s launch, I have a hyper-targeted list of 618 readers, interested in launching the course. Even if the conversion is 5% from that list, it will be 30 people enrolling for paid membership program. Which means about $6000 in direct revenue.
The practical implementation of email list are limitless, but the catch here is; Your email list should be targeted, and your email newsletter should engage with your subscriber.
With the growth of mobile web, email marketing has become more important. Earlier, people wait to go infant of their system to check emails. Now, everybody has access to the emails on their palm, and according to Always Connected survey:
Email is the number one most popular activity on a smartphone, 78% check email on their mobile phone.
email popularity

Challenges before & while using the Email marketing tool:

One of the biggest problem which I faced when starting with Email marketing tool is to understand the tricks, and techniques. I signed up for Aweber, and I delayed adding email subscription form for long. The problem was to add a beautiful looking email form on the blog. Thanks to the advancement in WordPress Plugins ecosphere, now we have various plugins to get all this done for us.
Another significant challenge is to send the engaging emails to your subscriber. Many marketers suggest you to treat your email list for selling stuff, which is not the right way to go about it. Your email list is the biggest asset of your blog, and all subscribers are people who love your blog. These people are also your brand advocate, so your goal should always to give them something extra.
If you are looking for a cheap solutions, I will suggest not to focus on email marketing. But if are one of those smart bloggers, who understand the importance of eMail list, you should start investing on the right tool, and right techniques to make most out of it.
From my experience, here are best tools that you should use right now. Depending upon budget, you should pick one.
  • Aweber (Starts with 30 days free trial).
  • Bloom by Elegant Themes or OptinMonster Plugin (use any of these two to add email subscription box on your blog).
  • Leadpages (Use it to create highly converting landing pages on your blog). I have purchased two-year license for $1000, and you can start for as low as $25/month.
Even if you are not ready to invest a lot, I will recommend you to take a free trial of Aweber, and follow below guides to create your first list, and start getting people in your email list.
In the next 30 days, try to send out two emails every week, and you will be amazed to see the engagement.
Are you using Email marketing for your blog growth? What are the challenges which you are facing? Would you recommend upcoming bloggers to focus on email marketing?

Why & How To Add Sticky Ad in WordPress SideBar

Sidebar of your blog is one crucial aspect to get more conversion, and for lead generation. Many bloggers don’t take advantage of their sidebr to full-potential, and if you fall in the same category; I recommend you to start taking optimum care of your blog sidebar. Place those elements which helps in getting more subscribers or getting more page-views. Or add ads which helps in making more money. Just don’t use those useless sidebar widgets like live traffic widget or anything else, which doesn’t add value for your readers.
Today, I will be talking about one trick which can double your earning or conversion from your sidebar widget. Sticky sidebar is not a new concept, and you might notice sticky widget on many blogs including your humble
WordPress Sidebar Widget Sticky
When you scroll down to the page, you would notice that one sidebar widget will stick, and floats along with the scrolling down of the page. This is useful for you to get more attention to one of your sidebar widget. You can use it to:
  • Get more clicks on one of your ads.
  • Get more subscribers by sticking your subscription form widget.
  • Get more Facebook likes by make your Facebook like widget sticky
And many more practical usage.
In this tutorial, I will share how you can add sticky sidebar widget in WordPress using a simple plugin. This whole process will not take more than 4-5 minutes.

WordPress Sidebar Sticky plugin To Make your Widget Sticky:

Here I’m sharing two WordPress plugins which let you add sticky widget. The first one is just to make your sidebar widget sticky, and second one adds Accordion effect along with Sticky.
1) Q2W3 Fixed Widget plugin (Sticky widget)
This is a free plugin that I’m using on my blog to offer sticky widget. This is the simplest plugin which doesn;t require any kind of configuration. Install and activate this plugin (Download link), and go to Apperance > Widgets to make any of your sidebar widget sticky.
Sticky Widget WordPress plugin
Every widget will have a checkbox to make it sticky. You can use it to make one or mulitple widgets sticky. Add a checkbox in front of Fixed-widget, and click on save. This will make your selected sidebar widget sticky. I would suggest you to use it on the last sidebar widget, as it will not overlap with other widgets on your blog sidebar.
Fixed Widget WordPress plugin

If you want to make some changes in plugin settings, go to Appearance >Fixed widget options, and make changes. If fixed widget is overlapping with your footer, add the height of your footer in “Margin bottom” to avoid it.
2) Standard Widgets section:
This is another plugin which let you add Sticky Widget effect along with Accordion effect in your sidebar widget. You can download the plugin from official repo over here. Wondering what Accordion widget is? Check out below screenshot:
Accordion Widgets
You can use this plugin only if you need accordion widget, else use the Q2W3 sticky widget plugin.
Note: Don’t make your AdSense ad widget sticky, as it’s against their ad implementation policy. 

What widgets should you make sticky?

You can use fixed widget to :
  • Promote any of your top content.
  • Get more email subscribers. Make your email subscription widget fixed.
  • Get more clicks to your CPC ads ( Check ad network policy)
  • Get more clicks to your affiliate ad from your sidebar.
A good idea is to use it for your blog subscription widget, as people who would be scrolling down to read your content, are more likely to subscribe to your blog updates.
Do let me know how you are using this fixed widget hack? Which sidebar elements you are promoting? Do share this guide with other WordPress bloggers on your Social network, as it would help them to get more CTR.

SideKick By HubSpot – Free Email Tracking & Schedule Email - SEO TIPS

SideKick By HubSpot – Free Email Tracking & Schedule Email


Are you tired of somebody not replying to your email? How many times you heard this excuse “Hey Dude, sorry I forgot to check my email”. The things get worse as a blogger or a Freelancer, when your important emails are not replied.
Don’t you want to get notified when somebody opens your email? Sidekick by Hubspot is one awesome free service which let you know when someone has opened and seen an email. This is also important, when you want to track if an urgent email is not opened by a receiver, and you can send a reminder email for the same.
I started using Sidekick recently and find it to be very useful. Sidekick is not just to track email open, but it also let you schedule your email at the later time. Let’s have a look at all the features of Sidekick and signup using below link to enjoy their premium features free for one month.

Sidekick by HubSpot review: Your Email companion

To get started with Sidekick, you need to create a free account here. You can login using your Google account, which is a convenient sign-up process. After that install Sidekick Chrome extension from here.
From the Sidekick dashboard, you need to give access to your Gmail account (Don’t worry about account security, as HubSpot is one reputable company). You can also use Sidekick with:
  • Outlook desktop
  • Apple Mail
Instructions are on your Sidekick app dashboard. Once you have configured your email service, after that Sidekick will keep tracking which emails are opened & which emails remain unopened.

Sidekick Email tracking
It also let you track if the links in the emails are clicked or not. Here is a screenshot from my Sidekick app dashboard:
Sidekick dashboard
You have an option to uncheck any email which you don’t want to be tracked. Another useful feature is to send an email at the later time. You can schedule email, and Sidekick will automatically send it for you.

Scheduling email in Gmail:

After you have signed up for Sidekick and installed Chrome extension. Click on compose email, and at the bottom you will see an option to schedule email at the later time. Fir the first time, you need to give offline access of your Gmail account to Hubspot. (Here is a screenshot for email schedule feature)
Schedule Gmail email
Sidekick also has free iOS & Android app, which let you track everything from your smartphone. What I like about their smartphone app is, you can also send an email directly from the app. You can download apps from below link:
Entrepreneurs & startup should watch this video to understand how Sidekick app can help their business grow:
The free version let you track 200 emails/month. You can always upgrade or invite others to get free premium access for one month. When you signup from below link, you will get premium access for the first month.




Five Best Domain Name Registrars

A domain name is the magic that turns a raw IP address like into a human-friendly chunk of text like Here's a look at five of the most popular domain name registrars that help you register and manage your domains.
Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite domain registrar, and now we're back to highlight the five most popular responses. For the sake of establishing a baseline for comparison, we've noted the price of a one year .COM registration at each registrar beside their name. We'd urge you to read the fine print at each registrar, however, because saving $3 on a registration isn't much of a savings if you miss out on useful auxiliary features (like free domain parking, email forwarding, etc.) the slightly more expensive registrar offers.

Namecheap (1 Year Registration: $9.98)

Five Best Domain Name Registrars
Domain registration at Namecheap is economical, as their name implies, but Namecheap hasn't built a name for itself just by offering the absolute cheapest deals in town. Namecheap's reputation rests on fantastic customer service and value-added packages. You get solid customer service, free email and URL forwarding, free and customizable domain parking, free domain transfers, dynamic DNS services if you want to redirect a domain to your home server, and more. You can jump right to their pricing schedule here or read more about their free features here.

1&1 (1 Year Registration: $4.99)

Five Best Domain Name Registrars
All 1&1 domain registrations include a simple five-page starter website (consider it a "super" domain parking package), an email account with 2GB of storage, and free private domain registration to shield your personal information. 1&1 also offers free domain transfer. You can view their price schedule here or read more about their domain packages here.

Go Daddy (1 Year Registration: $11.99)

Five Best Domain Name Registrars
Five Best Domain Name Registrars
Go Daddy has built a customer base by offering cheap package deals (combining domain registration and web hosting) as well as frequent specials on domain registration. Go Daddy registrations include what amounts to a free mini-hosting plan. You get a five-page web site based on one of their templates, a photo album, blogging tools, and an email account with 1GB of storage. Although Go Daddy doesn't offer free private registration, if you register five or more domains, it's free for all of them. You can read more about their pricing schedule and extras here.

Name (1 Year Registration: $9.99)

Five Best Domain Name Registrars goes beyond simple domain name searches and offers alternative suggestions including domain names that are currently held but up for auction. While the majority of us are looking to register domains cheaply and quickly, it's good to know that the domain other services would simply flag as "Unavailable" is actually up for auction. also has a service called Domain Grabber. If you really want a domain but it's unavailable, you can pay (typically between $20-50) to pounce on the domain should it become available. If simple domain registration is all you need, however, you can read more about their pricing schedule here.

Gandi (1 Year Registration: €12/$16.85)

Five Best Domain Name Registrars
Gandi's mission as a registrar and host is to offer clean, simple, no bullshit service. Every registration includes two free SiteMaker pages, one free DotClear2 blog, private domain registration, a free 1-year SSL certificate, and a personal email. If you manage a large number of domains, Gandi also offers a user-friendly dashboard with tag-based organization and search. You can read more about 

SELL ANNUITY PAYMENT - Want settlement cash now?

Want settlement cash now? Not so fast!

During the recession, many people were searching for cash and liquidity to stay afloat. Even as the economy improves, there are those who have a need for money and will turn to some unusual places to get it.
Selling annuities, structured settlements, scheduled lottery payoffs or other ongoing payments for cash became more popular during the recession. But for those still feeling a cash crunch, this tactic is seen as a potential option.

Unless the financial predicaments are dire, most financial advisers recommend against cashing in annuities or structured settlements. Selling off an annuity can trigger surrender charges as high as 10 percent, and those who sell before age 59 1/2 can also face federal taxes and penalties. Structured settlements are attractive because they generally provide tax-free income for life.
Yet, sometimes cashing in is the only option. That $500 monthly payment from an old accident may have helped with medical bills early on, but if the beneficiary lost his job and fell behind on some bills or had to make significant costly repairs to his home, a lump-sum payout of $50,000 may seem quite enticing.

Downsides of cashing in your settlement

  • Selling off an annuity can cost surrender charges of up to 10 percent.
  • Selling before age 59 1/2 can trigger federal taxes and penalties.
Americans have a great deal of money tied up in structured settlements and annuities, with a little less than $6 billion worth of new structured settlements written each year, according to the National Structured Settlements Trade Association. At the end of 2013, there were also 34.8 million individual deferred annuity contracts in place exceeding $2.58 trillion, according to LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute, a nonprofit research trade association for the financial services industry.

It's my money, and I want it now!

J.G. Wentworth is one of the world's largest buyers of structured-settlement payments and annuities. It handled more than $2 billion in payment transfers between 1994 and 2009.
In 2009, then-chief marketing officer Ken Murray said that the company had seen a steady increase in customer inquiries following the economic downturn. Despite what was happening in the economy, there were always people looking to sell annuities, structured settlements and lottery winnings, Murray said. Due to the nature of the business, buyers of payments usually see customers when they are in some sort of financial predicament.
"Historically, the common denominator is people who need cash, but there are some new reasons we are hearing more frequently than others as a result of the recession. It might be the fact that they lost their job or their mortgage payments have increased," said Murray.





We get lots of questions from people wanting to know how to donate a car, truck, van, RV or other vehicle to charity. And since the more you know, the easier it will be for you to make the right decisions. So here at Harold’s Car Donations for Charity, we try to answer every question about donating a car or other vehicle to charity.

If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, the please call us at: 1-800-310-5274. Or simply fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Q. Are there any costs for me to donate my car?
A. Never! We pay for towing.
Q. Can I donate my car even if it’s not running or has been crashed?
A. Absolutely! We get top dollar for non-runners and wrecks.
Q. How is your company better than your competition?
A. Based on over 25 years of car repair experience, each car is evaluated to determine where it will be sent in order to produce the maximum amount of profit. Some cars get fully detailed to maximize visual appeal at auction. This always generates more interest and interested bidders, which drives the price higher. As long as it is determined that it is cost-effective, some cars are repaired in order to increase the selling price. Both detailing and repairing raise the buying price, which brings more money to the charity, and gives you a higher tax write off! This is in 100% accordance with IRS laws.
Q. I lost my title, do I need to get a new one?
A. No. We can usually accept your car by having you sign some DMV application forms. Occasionally we need to take an additional step, but this is a simple process.
Q. My car will not pass a smog check, can I donate it?
A. Never a problem! You can donate a car that will not pass a smog check.
Q. I still owe money on my vehicle, can I donate it?
A. Unfortunately, no. The lender keeps the title until the vehicle has been paid off.
Q. I have heard of people donating a car and having trouble later, how is this avoided?
A. ANotice of Transfer and Release of Liability form gets filed with the DMV as soon as the car, truck, van, etc. is picked up. The best way to file this on through the DMV website. This gives you a legal document which releases you from any further liability for the car.
Q. How do I get a tax deduction for a car donation?
A. On cars that sell for more than $500.00, an IRS form called a “Form 1098-C” gets mailed to you within 30 days of the sale. You include the 1098-C with your federal tax return to get your tax deduction. On cars that sold for less than $500.00, a thank you letter is provided.
Q. How long does it take to pick up my car?
A. Usually we pick up the next day, however we are often able to pick up that same day.
Q. How do we know you are a legitimate company?
A. We are bonded and registered with the California Attorney General’s Office as a Commercial Fundraiser (click to view registration). You can also check us out at the Better Business Bureau
You can also visit the State of California Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General to search the “Registry of Charitable Trusts” and search for Harold’s Car Donation Service…You’ll find us there.
Q. How long has your company been doing this?
A. We have been helping charities with car donations since 1997.
Q. Is there any paperwork I have to do?
A. No, with the exception of the Transfer and Release of Liability form which a donor is required by law to file. But we will also help you with this to ensure it gets done. It’s really quite easy.
Q. Where are you licensed to operate?
A. We can handle charities throughout the entire state of California. However if a California charity has a car donated that is located in another state we can still handle it from end to end. We are signed up with hundreds of auctions coast to coast, including Hawaii.


DONATE CARS IN MA - Donate a Car For Charity in Massachusetts

Donate a Car For Charity in Massachusetts


We help over 30 MA charities by managing their car donation programs for residents of Massachusetts in around Boston, and statewide. Before you select the charity for your Massachusetts car donation please read through our car donation FAQ to learn how our program works and why we are the best choice for car donations in Massachusetts.
The MA State government notes: “Donating a car is a way to support a charitable organization while still reaping an economic benefit through a tax deduction.”
Below we have listed the charities that you can support through car donations in Massachusetts. These are eligible §501(c)(3) organizations, public charities which the Internal Revenue Service has determined to be tax-exempt.
Once you are ready (or if you’re ready now!), simply note a charity from the list below (or click to find out more information on donation recipients) and then donate your car using our convenient online car donation form or call us toll-free at (866) 392-4483 to donate over the phone.




Tax benefits of donating a vehicle

But some people who give away an old auto might find their tax break smaller than they expected. And a few donors, thanks to the intricacies of vehicle gift guidelines, might be able to boost their deduction amounts.
Giving away a clunker to a charity was once straightforward. You could claim the old car's fair market value, that is, the amount a willing buyer would pay a willing seller for the product. Typically, you'd refer to auto valuation services, such as the Kelley Blue Book, to get an idea of the donated car's value, give it to your favorite nonprofit and then drive off with a tax break equal to that valuation amount. No more.
Because some taxpayers got greedy, claiming much more than their old autos were worth, lawmakers tightened the rules on how much you can write off for a vehicle donation. Now the precise tax break depends on the donor's claimed value of the gift and how the charity uses the vehicle.
"This puts taxpayers in the unusual situation of not knowing the size of their deduction when they make the donation," says Bob D. Scharin, senior tax analyst from the Tax & Accounting business of Thomson Reuters.

$500 limit

In most instances, a taxpayer must take into account a $500 threshold on vehicular gifts. This value amount applies to autos, boats and even airplanes. When the donated vehicle's value (based on credible fair market value analyses) exceeds that amount, claiming the deduction gets more complicated.
This valuation ceiling comes into play when a charity sells a donated vehicle. In this case, just how much a taxpayer can deduct depends on the amount the sale nets.
For example, you donate your old station wagon that's worth $1,000. Under the old rules, that would be the amount you could deduct. But now, if the charity turns around and sells your donation for $800, your deduction is limited to the lower sales price.
The charity must give you substantiation of the Internal Revenue Service-allowed donation amount within 30 days of when you turn your car over to the charity or, if the group sells the auto, within 30 days of the vehicle's sale.
If you haven't heard from the charity, give it a call and ask that it send, or resend, you the donation specifics. Plus, you now must include a copy of the acknowledgment, IRS Form 1098-C or an IRS acceptable substitute form that is sent to you and copied to the agency, with your tax return. Previously, such documentation was generally only kept by the taxpayer in case the IRS questioned a claimed deduction.




Car Donation
The car donation process is simple. All you need to do is call the charity and someone will come and pick up your vehicle, or tell you where to bring it. However, with so many charities to choose from and so many people trying to scam the innocent, picking the right organization is not always easy.
On this page you'll find some general tips you can use when you are trying to decide where and how to donate your vehicle.

First Steps to Take When Donating a Car

Before you donate your car to charity, the IRS advises that you:
  • Research the charity or organization you plan to donate to.
  • See if you will receive a tax benefit for your donation. (The charity/organization you donate to must be qualified. 501(c)(3) organizations are common types that make you eligible for a tax deduction.)
  • Look up the value of your car (however, you can only deduct the actual amount the charity sells your car for).
  • Ask if you, as a donor, have any other responsibilities in the process.
In addition, you may want to consider:
  • How your car will be used and where it will go.
  • If the money from the sale of your car will be used locally or outside of your community.
  • Which programs or services within the charity will receive funding from the sale.
  • What the efficiency rating of the charity is. (A lower rating means more of your donation goes toward administrative costs, not to the programs and services you want to support.)
For more information on this and tax-related matters, read the IRS's A Donor's Guide to Vehicle Donations.

Finding a Charity

The choice is yours, but before donating your car, confirm that your charity of choice is recognized by the IRS. Otherwise, your deduction will be rejected. If in doubt, check the IRS's Cumulative List of Organizations which lists qualified charities. Religious organizations aren't listed, though they do qualify. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in your area or the BBB Wise Giving Alliance.
If you're still undecided, Forbes ranks America's 200 largest charities and, in some cases, discloses their financial details. Keep in mind, however, that not every charity listed here accepts car donations.
Additionally, you can search for charities and tax-exempt organizations on the IRS website.

Tax Write-Offs

The IRS has clamped down on how much you can write off on donated cars. No longer can you submit a vehicle's full value or "blue book" value for your tax deduction. Now, instead, you can only claim the amount for which it is sold or the fair market value.

Motor Vehicle Department Donation Procedures

Just as if you were selling your car as a private party, when you donate your car to charity, you'll need to satisfy some requirements with your state's motor vehicle division. Some common processes you'll likely need to complete include:
  • Completing a title transfer.
  • Canceling your registration.
  • Completing a notice of transfer/release of liability form.
The exact steps you'll need to take will vary from state to state. Check with your state's DMV office for specific requirements and details.
NOTE: In addition to DMV requirements, you'll also need to cancel your car insurance policy.
Notice of Transfer/Release of Liability
Be sure to visit our guide about Title Transfers to learn how to transfer the title over. You may also need to complete a notice of transfer or release of liability form.

Canceling Your License Plates and Registration

The laws for this vary by state. Some states require surrendering the vehicle's license plates to the DMV. Others require submitting a sold notice, and there are a few states that require no formal notification at all.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Lawyers

Mesothelioma attorneys understand asbestos legal issues and the unique challenges asbestos victims face. We offer information on what to expect when working with a mesothelioma lawyer, as well as help finding a qualified mesothelioma attorney for your case.

Successful asbestos ligation requires an attorney who understands the many facets of the case, from how people get exposed to asbestos to the state-by-state regulations about filing lawsuits, to the fragile nature of many clients. Often, people who inquire about an asbestos-related claim are people who are also coping with mesothelioma cancer and all the health issues that go along with treatment.
Choosing a lawyer to represent you in depositions and in legal filings can be as important to your family's future as selecting the right doctor. If were you exposed to asbestos and you got sick as a result, you have a right to stake a claim for compensation.
The dangers and toxicity of asbestos were well-known in the 1930s, yet corporations continued using it extensively through much of the 20th century. They willingly put profits ahead of the health and well-being of employees and the public. An experienced asbestos lawyer will know how to hold those corporations responsible.

Tips When Looking For an Asbestos Litigation Specialist

You should consider several things when you start to evaluate the hiring of an attorney. You want to find someone with whom you feel comfortable talking because you will be discussing intimate details about your health and about where you used to work. Although your lawyer likely will know all the right questions to ask you, good communication is essential.
Clipboard Icon
You should not restrict yourself to your community. Your case may not get filed in the state where you live.
USA Icon
Qualified attorneys in this area of the law have practices in many states and understand your cancer prognosis.
Clipboard Icon
Lawyers should be aware of the importance of collecting information early in the process.

Before You Hire an Attorney, You Need to Determine if He or She:

Award Icon
Has a proven track record with asbestos lawsuits (large settlements and winning verdicts).
Gavel Icon
Has experience filing claims with asbestos trust funds.
Travel Icon
Has the ability to travel to you to gather information.
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Has the ability to evaluate your potential compensation based on the facts of your case.
A trustworthy attorney will never guarantee you an outcome, a settlement or a successful jury verdict.

Affording an Attorney

In the area of asbestos lawsuits, attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. You pay nothing until you receive compensation, and nothing at all if your case is not successful. There is very little risk to you. Contingency fees protect you because they usually are based on a percentage of any compensation you receive. Be sure to discuss this percentage during your first meeting with an attorney.
Contigency Fee Icon
Contingency fee basis means you pay nothing unless you receive compensation.

How Attorneys Help in Asbestos Cases

Mesothelioma claims are different from other workplace injuries in a couple of ways. They fall into a special area of the law because the injuries that are in question do not typically occur because of an accident or sudden event. Instead exposure to asbestos takes place over time, with an illness developing 20 to 50 years later. This is why a qualified mesothelioma attorney makes sense for someone considering litigation or a trust claim.


What Are Dental Saving Plans ?

A dental savings plan functions a lot like a membership at a warehouse club. You pay an annual fee and get access to significantly reduced rates. And dental savings plans offer many benefits over traditional dental insurance. Things like no annual caps or limits and absolutely no paperwork.

Choose from 40+ different plans from the healthcare brands you already know and trust like Cigna, Aetna and more. We have affordable plans to fit any need and budget. And, depending on the plan you choose, you'll save 10% to 60% on your next visit.

Our plans cover more than 140,000 dentists nationwide. These quality providers have agreed to charge reduced fees on the dental services you need. So you’ll get the quality care you deserve at a bigger savings than you ever imagined possible. Watch our video to learn more.

Compare Dental Saving Plans & Insurance


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Quick Plan Activation YES NO
Vision, Hearing & Prescription Discounts* YES NO
No Annual Limits YES NO
No Paperwork Hassles YES NO
No Waiting for Dental Care YES NO
Cosmetic Dentistry Savings* YES NO


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    Phone: 340-773-2020

Exclusive Dental Coverage

The best health insurance puts the power of choice in the hands of the member - this coverage is no exception. The AARP® Dental Insurance Plan, administered by Delta Dental Insurance Company*, provides benefits tailored to meet your needs while providing the best possible combination of dental benefits and cost savings.

This dental plan is designed especially with the needs of AARP members in mind. Visiting a dentist regularly can help you maintain your oral health. Regular dental checkups may provide clues to your overall well-being. Many medical conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancers, can be detected early on by a dentist1,2,3.

Benefits of the AARP Dental Insurance Plan

  • Guaranteed acceptance for all AARP members.
  • Premiums guaranteed for two years.
  • Two plan choices, with individual and family enrollment options. Compare plans to see which one is right for you.
  • No waiting periods on preventive services including three cleanings and exams per Calendar Year4,5.
  • Dental implants are covered after 1 year of continuous coverage5. Once you have been an enrollee for 1 year, other major services6 are also available.
  • Fewer out-of-pocket expenses when you visit a Delta Dental dentist because the dentists agree to our negotiated fees.
  • Four out of five dentists nationwide are contracted Delta Dental dentists7, or you can choose any licensed dentist if yours is not in the network.
Now is your chance to protect your smile and budget with a dental plan that is designed just for you. Act now and take advantage of the largest network of dentists and coverage you can count on.
Please see the Disclosure* below for the insurance company in your state.
1 Healthy Gums, and a Healthy Heart: The Perio-Cardio Connection,” American Academy of Periodontology, 2009.
2 American Cancer Society,, 2011.
3 AAP Supports the International Diabetes Federation Guidelines on Oral Health for People with Diabetes, American Academy of Periodontology.
4 Annual deductibles, copayments, and maximums may apply.
5 No other limitations apply.
6 Limitations and exclusions may apply.
7 Report by Ignition Group, 2010.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Health and dental insurance in Dubai

Nationals and foreign residents have access to state medical care, but need a health card.

Application forms for health cards are obtainable from clinics and from the Ministry of Health (PO Box 1853, Dubai, Tel. 971 (4) 3966000). Completed forms should be returned to the Rashid Hospital, with two passport photographs, your passport, two photocopies of your passport, a copy of your visa (employment or residency) and the appropriate fee. If you arrived on a visit visa, you can obtain an employment or residency visa either by exciting and reentering the UAE, or by paying a fee to the Immigration Department.
Expatriate workers tend to choose private treatment if they’re covered by the necessary medical insurance – private care can be very expensive. In a country where the majority of the population comes from the Indian sub-continent, many private clinics are run by doctors from that region. Costs at these clinics are reasonable, but westerners are usually required to pay more than non-westerners, who generally earn less.
There’s a large number of international companies specialising in private health insurance in Dubai and elsewhere. Comprehensive health insurance costs from around AED180 ($50) per month for regional coverage. However, price shouldn’t be your only consideration when comparing policies, and you should also consider the benefits of different policies.
As with all insurance, when taking out a health insurance policy do some homework and check the small print, particularly regarding what is and isn’t covered.
All policies include limitations and restrictions; for example, ‘pre-existing’ medical conditions are unlikely to be covered, certain occupations are often excluded or attract surcharges, and high-risk sports aren’t usually covered, although the definition of ‘high risk’ does vary from one insurer to another. Many companies also limit costs for a particular treatment within a calendar year, in addition to having an overall annual limit for all treatment. Be suspicious of
policies that restrict the number of days that you’re allowed to spend in hospital.
There might be an upper age limit on acceptance for a scheme and, if you’re offered a private health policy that terminates at retirement, it would be wise to avoid it; if you’re forced to obtain a new policy at the age limit, it will be very difficult to find one at a reasonable premium – perhaps at all. Note that some companies terminate your policy at the end of the stipulated period if they believe that the costs they’ve incurred have become too high. If you’re purchasing an international policy, note also that some policies exclude cover in the USA, owing to high medical charges there. You can often pay to have different areas or types of cover added, but it might be expensive to do so.
Bear in mind that insurance companies can be very particular about their claim forms and are strict about them being filled out fully by the relevant doctor or dentist. Many medical professionals understandably find this tedious, but you must insist that it’s done to order.

Dental Insurance

Full dental insurance can be very expensive and if, you want extensive cover, you must purchase a ‘gold standard’ health plan. Emergency fillings and extractions are normally included in standard health plans, but when it comes to more specialised treatment involving crowns, bridges and other prosthetics, the costs escalate substantially. Even ‘gold standard’ policies have exclusions, sometimes with regard to the content of fillings, the number of visits to a dentist and the volume of work carried out in any year. Policyholders also need to check that cover includes x-rays and simple cleaning. Cosmetic procedures and children’s orthodontics aren’t included in most plans (if they are, the premiums are usually high).

The Advantages of Offering A Dental Benefits Plan

Dental health is a key factor to preserving one's general health. Employers and other plan sponsors offer dental benefits for a variety of reasons. Offering a dental benefits plan makes economic sense. A frequently overlooked reason for employee absences or poor work performance is dental disease or discomfort. And as every human resources professional knows, days lost can mean money lost. A quality dental benefits plan can aid in the recruitment and retention of employees. Dental benefits are consistently cited as one of the most sought after employee benefits.
Most medical needs and treatments are unpredictable, catastrophic, high cost and an insurable risk. Most dental needs and treatments are predictable, non-catastrophic, low cost and low risk. Dental disease is most often preventable; with the exception of damage due to an accident, dental treatment begins with relatively low-cost diagnostic procedures, such as exams and x-rays. If decay or disease is detected, the sooner it is treated, the less expensive that treatment will be. The dental needs of an employee group are highly predictable. For this reason, a dental benefits plan can often be self-funded. Extremes in cost and utilization (evident in many medical benefits) are rarely observed with dental statistics.

Selecting or Changing Your Dental Plan

Before selecting or changing a dental plan, there are some important things to consider. Some plans require patients to choose a dentist from a limited list of dentists. Choosing from a list is not the same thing as freedom of choice. If your dentist is not on such a list, don't hesitate to ask why he or she has elected not to participate.
Dental plans are typically business arrangements between an insurance company and an employer. Most plans are designed to pay only a portion of your dental expenses. However, dental plans may exclude or discourage certain treatments, such as dental sealants, which can prevent tooth decay and save you money later on. Carefully read a plan and know its limitations. If a plan doesn't cover a procedure that is recommended by your dentist, this does not mean that the treatment isn't appropriate or needed.
Some plans do not cover pre-existing conditions, such as missing teeth. Others may not cover dental implants, specialist referrals and other dental needs. Even when you and your dentist agree on the appropriate treatment method for your condition, the contract provision of the dental plan may only pay a portion, or pay only for the least expensive alternative treatment (LEAT) as determined by the insurance company.
Dental plans may use the terms "usual, customary and reasonable" (UCR) to determine the portion of the dental treatment fee they will pay. UCR reimbursement levels are determined by different methods by the dental plan administrators. They may vary a great deal among plans — even when those plans operate in the same area. The fee the insurance company determines to be "customary" may be very low compared to the area's average professional fee for the same services. The plans then generally pay a certain percentage of the UCR level. The patient may then be required to pay a greater portion of the treatment costs.
Ask yourself the following questions before selecting a new plan:
  • Will employees retain the freedom to choose their own dentists?
  • Is the type of treatment determined by the patient and the dentist?
  • Does the plan cover diagnostic, preventive and emergency services? Will it cover preventive services such as sealants and fluoride treatments, which may save patients money in the future? Will it provide for full-mouth x-rays?
  • What type of routine dental care is covered? Does the plan cover crowns and bridges, braces, root canals, oral surgery and treatment of periodontal diseases?.
  • What major dental care is covered? Does the plan cover dentures, implants or treatment for temporomandibular disorders?
  • Will the plan allow for referrals to specialists? If so, will the dentist be limited to a list of specialists from which to choose?
  • How does the plan provide for emergency treatment? What provisions are made for emergency care when you are away from home?
  • If the plan requires monthly premiums, what percentage of that money goes to actual care and not to overhead or administration?
You and your dentist make the decision about treatment. While dental benefit coverage should be taken into consideration, it should not be the deciding factor in determining your choice of treatment.

Dental Benefit Plan Models

There are numerous models of dental plans. In general, they can be divided into two categories: managed care and fee-for-service. Managed Care dental plans are cost containment systems that direct the utilization of health care by a) restricting the type, level and frequency of treatment; b) limiting the access to care; and c) controlling the level of reimbursement for services. Fee-for-Service dental plans are typically freedom-of-choice arrangements under which a dentist is paid for each service rendered according to the fees established by the dentist.
Dental Managed Care Plans
Preferred Provider Organization
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) programs are plans under which patients select a dentist from a network or list of providers who have agreed, by contract, to discount their fees. In PPOs that allow patients to receive treatment from a non-participating dentist, patients will be penalized with higher deductibles and co-payments. PPOs can be fully insured or self-insured. PPOs are usually less expensive than comparable indemnity plans and are regulated under the appropriate insurance statutes in the company's state of domicile and operation.
  • When reviewing a PPO dental plan, the plan purchaser should consider the following:
  • What percentage of the premium is used for administration?
  • Will the amount of the discount influence patients to change their dentist? Will the amount of the discount the dentist is required to offer affect the number of treatment options for the plan's covered individuals?
  • What is the liability for the employer if the plan influences provider selection or treatment?
  • What are the criteria for selection of providers for the plan? Does it have enough dentists under contract to adequately serve the group? What is the geographic distribution of patients to dentists? Does it provide for specialist referrals? Are dentists limited to referring patients to contracted specialists?
  • How does the program provide for emergency treatment? What provisions are in the program for emergency care away from home?
Dental Health Maintenance Organization/Capitation Plan
Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) or capitation plans pay contracted dentists a fixed amount (usually on a monthly basis) per enrolled family or individual, regardless of utilization. In return, the dentists agree to provide specific types of treatment to the patient at no charge (for other treatments, a co-payment is required). Theoretically, the DHMO rewards dentists who keep patients in good health, thereby keeping costs low. DHMO models typically offer the least expensive dental plans.
If the plan purchaser is reviewing a DHMO or capitation plan, the following factors should be considered:
  • What percentage of the premium is used for administration?
  • Does the employer have access to sufficient information to determine the level and amount of treatment received by each member of the group?
  • What is the utilization rate for patients in this program? What is the average waiting period for an initial appointment? What is the average period between appointments?
  • What is the dentist/patient ratio for the program? What are the criteria for selecting dentists to participate in the program? What is the geographic distribution of patients to dentists?
  • What is the ratio of dentists accepted to the program to those who applied to participate? How many dentists voluntarily withdrew from the program over the past two years?
  • What is the capitated rate of compensation for the dentists? Is it sufficient compensation for the needs of the covered patient population? What provisions are made for dentists with unforeseen utilization or difficult cases?
  • What are the benefits for patients requiring a specialist's care? How are specialists selected and compensated? Does the plan have adequate specialist participation?
  • How does the program provide for emergency treatment? What provisions are in the program for emergency care away from home?

Dental Fee-for-Service Plans

Direct Reimbursement
Direct Reimbursement (DR) is a self-funded dental benefits plan that reimburses patients according to dollars spent on dental care, not type of treatment received. It allows the patient complete freedom to choose any dentist. Instead of paying monthly insurance premiums, even for employees who don't use the dentist, employers pay a percentage of actual treatments received. Moreover, employers are removed from the potential responsibility of influencing treatment decisions due to plan selection or sponsorship. DR is the ADA's preferred method of financing dental treatment.

Insurance Benefit Gaps

Patients often are surprised to find that their insurance benefits do not cover all the treatment their dentist recommends. Dental insurance benefits for the most part have remained at the same level for more than two decades, leaving patients to pick up any added costs out-of-pocket. In recent years, payment options have emerged to help patients bridge the gap between what their insurance covers and the total cost of care. Most dental practice will accept cash, personal checks or major credit card, but many also offer outside monthly financing programs. These payment plans have rapidly gained popularity.

What Is Dental Insurance?

What is the best dental insurance plan for me?
Although there is no perfect dental insurance plan, some plans will be better than others for you and your family. Dental insurance plans primarily differ in how much you have to pay. Although no plan will pay for all of the costs associated with your dental care, some plans will cover more than others. With any dental insurance plan, you will pay a basic premium, usually monthly, to buy the dental insurance coverage. In addition, there are often other payments you must make. These payments will vary by plan, but they are essentially deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.
What questions should I ask?
Consider these questions when selecting a dental plan:
  • How much will it cost me on a monthly basis?
  • Are there deductibles I must pay before the insurance begins to help cover my costs?
  • After I have met the deductible, what parts of my costs are paid by the plan?
  • Which dentists are part of the plan?
  • Where will I go for care? Are the offices near where I work or live?
  • If I use dentists outside of a plan's network, how much more will I need to pay to receive care?
If you have access to dental insurance, it's a good idea to elect coverage. But if you can't get dental coverage through work, you might be able to buy an individual dental insurance policy.
What types of dental plans are available?
Dental insurance plans usually are described as either indemnity (fee-for-service) or managed care. Indemnity and managed care plans differ in their basic approach. The major differences concern choice of providers, out-of-pocket costs for covered services, and how bills are paid. Usually,indemnity plans offer a greater choice of dentists than managed care plans. Indemnity plans pay their share of the costs of a service only after they receive a bill. Managed care plans have agreements with certain dentists to give a range of services to plan members at reduced cost. In general, you will have less paperwork and lower out-of-pocket costs if you select a managed care-type plan and a broader choice of dentists if you select an indemnity-type plan. Managed care plans are dental PPOs, POSs, and dental HMOs. Some dentists, called non-participating or insurance-free dentists, do not accept any insurance in their practice.
What is a dental discount plan?
A number of companies offer dental discount plans. For a monthly or annual fee, you get access to a network of dentists who will work for discounted rates. However, there are no guarantees that your dentist will provide services for the discounted rate for the entire term of your plan membership. Be sure to check with your dentist to make sure he or she is a member. You also may want to talk with your dentist about other financing arrangements. Many dentists are willing to work with your financial constraints.

Should You Bite On Dental Insurance?

There's no question that dental work is expensive - especially when you need to have major work done. If you're not covered through your job, you may have to purchase it on your own. However, purchased privately, dental insurance can be a huge waste of money if your plan doesn't match your needs. In this article we'll show you how to drill through these plans to find out if dental insurance is right for you.
SEE: Should You Bite On Dental Insurance?
Overview of the SystemFirst, here's a breakdown of how private dental insurance works. You select a plan based on the providers (dentists) you want to be able to choose from and what you can afford to pay:
  • If you already have a dentist you like and he or she's in the insurance company's network, you'll be able to opt for one of the less expensive plans.
  • If you don't have a dentist at all, great! You can choose from any of the dentists who are in-network, and again have the option of a less expensive plan.
  • If your existing dentist is not in the network, you can still get insurance, but you'll pay significantly more to see an out-of-network provider - so much more that you may not have any chance at coming out ahead by being insured.
The monthly premiums will depend on the insurance company, your location and the plan you choose. For many people, the monthly premium will be around $50 a month. This means that you're spending $600 on dental costs each year even if you don't get any work done.
SEE: How An Insurance Company Determines Your Premiums

Things to Consider
Now, you may be thinking that most people don't come out ahead with most kinds of insurance, and you may be right. After all, if insurance companies didn't make a profit, they would all go out of business. Insurance is designed to protect you in a worst-case scenario. Dental insurance is significantly different from most other kinds of insurance, however. With policies like health insurance or homeowners insurance, the potential downside is so high that almost no one can afford the risk of not being insured. With dental insurance, the potential downside is fairly low - and so is the potential upside.
In a good year when you only need the standard cleanings, exams and x-rays, you are likely to lose about $200 by having dental insurance. While these services will generally be completely covered by your insurance because they are considered preventive care. If you paid out of pocket for them you would probably only spend around $400 for the year instead of the $600 you're spending on insurance premiums.

Will It Be There When You Need It?
What about when you need some work done? In a really bad year, your dentist may inform you that you need a couple of fillings, a root canal and a crown. On top of that, you'll still have to pay for your usual cleanings, exams and x-rays. This is the time to be insured, right? Unfortunately, your insurance may not be as helpful as you'd expect. Many dental insurance plans have very low annual maximums of around $1,000 (this will vary by plan and by provider, of course). This means that once your dental bills exceed $1,000 in any given year, you're stuck paying the rest of the bills in full.
You may still pay a lower negotiated fee for the work you need as a benefit of having insurance, but even the negotiated fees are quite high. For example, if the dentist's regular fee for a filling is $150, the negotiated fee might be $100. In this situation, your regular oral maintenance and fillings will use up most or all of your annual maximum, so only a fraction of your large dental work bill will actually be covered. You're likely to still pay $1,000 to $2,000 out of pocket, plus your annual $600 in premiums. On top of that, while you may pay 0-10% in co-pays on preventive maintenance and 20% in co-pays on fillings, the co-pay on expensive procedures like root canals tends to be a whopping 50%. Even if you haven't used up your annual maximum by the time you need the expensive procedure, you'll still have to pay several hundred dollars for it.
Dental insurance also rarely covers expensive procedures like orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry, even if you try to argue that you need a procedure to alleviate emotional pain and suffering. When insurance does cover them, the annual maximums still often prevent you from saving very much, if anything, after you factor in your biannual cleanings and exams.

Waiting Could Be Worse
If you're thinking that you'll just hold out and then purchase dental insurance when you need it, think again. Because of what's called a waiting or probationary period, this strategy won't work (you didn't really think you'd found a way to outsmart the insurance companies, did you?). Waiting periods mean that, for example, one year after you first become insured, your insurance will not cover any major work (like crowns or root canals) and for three months after you first become insured, they won't pay for any minor work (like fillings). Insurance companies know that when you need a filling or a crown, you need it now - you won't be able to find out you need a crown, buy insurance, wait 12 months, and then get it taken care of. If you tried to do that, you'd probably suffer from a lot of discomfort and ultimately lose your tooth (and you'd have to pay full price for that extraction, too).
SEE: Are Vision And Dental Plans Worth It?
Considerations for Group PlansSurprisingly, even if your employer offers dental insurance, you might be better off skipping it. Many people assume that employer-sponsored benefits are automatically a good deal because you're receiving a group rate, but this isn't necessarily true. When evaluating your employer's dental plan, make sure to really look at the monthly payments, the annual maximum and the co-payments. Your employer may offer you a great plan that's only $20 a month to cover your entire family with a generous annual maximum, or a mediocre plan that's $40 a month with a $1,000 annual maximum. With the former, you can really benefit, but with the latter, you're probably wasting your money. Do the math for your own situation to determine whether you're likely to come out ahead.
There is one situation where it can make sense to get dental insurance regardless of whether it seems like a good deal in the long run, and that is if you are someone who is currently living from paycheck-to-paycheck with little or no money in savings. When you don't have dental insurance, you have to be able to pay a $1,600 bill when you have the work done (if not in full, then in prompt installments). If you can't do it and your options are to overpay for dental insurance, neglect your only set of teeth or put dental work on a credit card that you'll have trouble paying off, your best bet is to get the insurance. You'll probably waste less money on insurance than you would paying interest on a credit card, not to mention that you wouldn't want to ruin your credit score over a few fillings.
Parting ThoughtsIf you can't participate in a quality group plan - either a preferred provider plan (PPO) or a Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) - the best way for most people to come out ahead on dental expenses is to pay for everything out of pocket. Brushing and flossing regularly, switching to an inexpensive electric toothbrush, getting professional cleanings every six months and going to a dentist who does high quality work that lasts for years can be the most effective ways to save money in the long run.