In the days of Richard Nixon, amidst the chaos and scandal of
Watergate, the president uttered this most famous of all political
quotes in an interview with the Washington Post, the newspaper that broke the story: "I am not a crook."
Well, of course, it turns out that Nixon may not have been a "crook" in the stereotypical sense, but he damned sure was crooked.
forward to the present time. Nixon's quote has been supplanted by the
presidential whopper of the century: President Obama's promise, "If you
like your health plan, you can keep it."
the official Oct. 1 roll-out date for Obamacare came and went, millions
of Americans with private health plans were learning that their
insurers had to cancel their policies, because they did not comply with
minimum coverage requirements mandated in the Affordable Care Act.
Initial reports were that perhaps only about 5 percent of the American people would be affected. That is enough to call Obama's lie a lie.
But it's an even bigger lie than that.
The truth is, the Obama administration's own internal estimates, as recorded in the Federal Register in 2010, projected that tens of millions of
Americans would actually lose their coverage. That's because even those
with employer-provided plans are affected by the law's minimum coverage
what's so disturbing about this is not just that employer plans will
have to change, too, but that, in changing to the higher coverage, those
plans will become more expensive.
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